Museums and Collections

Museen, Kunst und Sammlungen

Museums et Collections

Museos y Colecciones Artísticas

Museus e coleções

Thirsty for knowledge? Many nearby museums and collections are lovingly operated and inform the visitor on local and grander themes. For local history, art and archeology the “Bonnet House Museum and Gardens” is the perfect selection.

A definite highlight for friends of antique automobiles is the „Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum“. The delicately cared for Oldtimers originating from around 1900 to the 1940’s demonstrate the successes (and excesses) of the American car-industry most brilliantly.

Miami’s Art District art walks and the famous Art Basel in Miami are eye-opening, fascinating views into the world of contemporary art. The Art Basel take place at the beginning of December every year, and is one of the world’s foremost exhibitions.

The „International Swimming Hall of Fame“ in Fort Lauderdale provides a detailed understanding of international swimming competition. It was established in 1965 by Olympic gold medalist and actor Johnny Weissmueller (Hollywood’s Tarzan) in order to celebrate exceptional achievements in the fields of swimming, waterpolo, diving, synchronized diving, and synchronized swimming.

The “International Game Association Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum” is dedicated to the sport of fishing. It offers fascinating introspections into sea-life, displays exceptional fishing successes, and is likely to enthuse even those who have hitherto not been fans of this popular sport.

Take a look at some of our suggestions:

Für Wissensdurstige bieten sich etliche kleine Museen in der Nähe der Stadt an, die zu vielfältigen Themen informieren und mit viel Liebe betrieben werden. Bei Interesse an Kunst, Geschichte und der Archäologie des Gebietes dürfte das „Bonnet House Museum and Gardens“ garantiert die richtige Wahl sein.
Jedes Jahr findet Anfang Dezember im Art District in Miami eine der wichtigsten Kunstmessen der Welt, die „Art Basel Miami Beach“, statt. Die immense Anzahl von Gallerien und Ausstellern lockt dort aber auch das übrige Jahr Tausende von kunstliebenden Besuchern mit außergewöhnlichen Präsentationen an.
Für die Freunde antiker Automobile wird das „Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum“ ganz sicher zum Highlight. Die sorgfältig gepflegten Oldtimer aus der Zeit von 1900 bis weit in die 40er Jahre liefern hochglänzende Beweise für die Erfolge der amerikanischen Automobilindustrie.

Bei Interesse für die Historie des internationalen Schwimmsports ermöglicht die „International Swimming Hall of Fame“ in Fort Lauderdale einen detailierten Überblick. Sie wurde im Jahr 1965 vom Olympiasieger und Schauspieler Johnny Weissmüller (bekannt als Hollywood-Tarzan) eröffnet und würdigt herausragende Leistungen aus den Bereichen Schwimmen, Wasserball, Kunst- und Turmspringen oder Synchronschwimmen.

Rund um die Sportfischerei geht es im “International Game Association Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum”. Liebevolle Einblicke in die Meeresfauna, beindruckende Fangerfolge und anschauliche Erklärungen dürften selbst jene begeistern, die bislang nicht zu den Fans dieses beliebten Freizeitvergnügens gehören.

Schauen Sie gern durch unsere Empfehlungen.

Beaucoup de musées et de collections à proximité sont affectueusement opérées et informent le visiteur sur des thèmes locaux aussi bien que plus grands. Pour l'histoire, l'art et l'archéologie locales, le musée et les jardins de »Bonnet House« est le choix parfait.
Un point culminant pour les amis des automobiles antiques est le musée de voiture antique (»Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum«). Des »Oldtimers«  délicatement soignés provenant environ de 1900 aux années 40 démontrent les succès (et les excès) de l’industrie auto mobilier américaine.
Les promenades d'art au «Miami Art District» autant que le célèbre «Art-Basel«  à Miami sont des vues inspiratrices et fascinantes au monde de l'art contemporain. Le «Art-Basel» a lieu au début de décembre de chaque année, il est l'une des premières expositions du monde.

Le Panthéon international de natation (»Swimming Hall of Fame«) à Fort Lauderdale-Beach fournit un arrangement détaillé du sport international. Il a été établi en 1965 par l'acteur et le médaillé d'or olympique Johnny Weissmueller (le Tarzan original de Hollywood) afin de célébrer les accomplissements exceptionnels dans les domaines de la natation, le water-polo, le plongeon, le plongeon synchronisé, et la natation synchronisée.

Le panthéon et le musée de la pêche international (»International Game Association Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum«) est consacré au sport de la pêche. Il offre des introspections fascinantes à la vie marine, et il montre des succès exceptionnels de pêche.

Voilà quelques suggestions:

Si en su vacaciones siente la necesidad de ampliar sus conocimientos culturales encontrará en los alrededores suficientes museos y colecciones de arte que cubren no solamente temas locales. En lo que se refiere a historia, arte y arqueología el “Bonnet House Museum and Gardens” no le decepcionará.

Una atracción principal para los amantes de los coches antiguos es el “Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum”. Las reliquias, increíblemente bien conservadas y que datan entre 1900 y 1940 demuestran de manera excelente los logros (y los excesos) de la industria automovilística americana.
El Art District de Miami y el famoso Art Basel en Miami ofrecen una fascinante e interesante introspectiva en el mundo del arte contemporáneo. El Art Basel tiene lugar una vez al año a principios de Diciembre y es una de las exhibiciones de arte internacionales más famosas del mundo.

El “International Swimming Hall of Fame” en Fort Lauderdale proporciona un detallado entendimiento de la competición de natación internacional. Fue establecido en 1965 por el campeón olímpico y actor Johny Weissmueller (El Tarzán de Hollywood) para celebrar los logros extraordinarios acontecidos en los deportes de la natación, natación sincronizada, salto de trampolín, salto de trampolín sincronizado y waterpolo.

La “International Game Association Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum” está dedicado al deporte de la pesca. Ofrece una introspectiva fascinante de la vida marítima y al mismo tiempo muestra los logros excepcionales en el mundo de la pesca, de manera que probablemente absorberá el interés incluso de aquellos que nunca estuvieron especialmente interesados en este deporte tan popular en Florida.

Algunas sugerencias concretas son:

Você tem sede de conhecimento? Muitos dos museus e coleções da região oferecem um grande acervo de informações não somente sobre temas locais, mas também sobre temas de maior escala. Para a história, arte e arqueologia local, o museu Bonnet House Museum and Gardens é a escolha perfeita.
Para os fãs de automóveis antigos, o Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum é definitivamente o ponto-auge. As relíquias automobilísticas de por volta dos anos 1900 até 1940, conservadas impecavelmente, demonstram de forma brilhante os sucessos (e excessos) da indústria automobilística estadunidense.

O bairro artístico de Miami, conhecido como Art District, e a famosa feira de arte Art Basel in Miami expandem os horizontes culturais com sua fascinantes instrospecções dentro do mundo da arte contemporânea. A feira Art Basel in Miami é uma das principais e mais importantes feiras de arte do mundo e acontece todos os anos no começo do mês de Dezembro.

O Hall da Fama Internacional de Natação, em inglês International Swimming Hall of Fame, em Fort Lauderdale, dispõe de uma compreensão detalhada sobre as competições internacionais de natação. O hall foi estabelecido em 1965 pelo ator e medalhista de ouro olímpico Johnny Weissmueller, famoso por interpretar o Tarzan de Hollywood, com o propósito de celebrar conquistas excepcionais nas modalidades de natação, pólo aquático, mergulho, nado e mergulho sincronizados.

O Museu e Hall da Fama de Pesca da Associação Internacional de Caça, em inglês International Game Association Fishing Hall of Fame and Museum, é dedicado à pesca esportiva e oferece introspecções fascinantes sobre a vida marinha, exibe conquistas excepcionais na prática da pesca e tem a capacidade de entusiasmar até mesmo aqueles que, até agora, não se interessam muito por esse tipo de esporte.


  • Art Basel Miami Beach
    „Art Basel Miami Beach is the most important art show in the United States, a cultural and social highlight for the Americas.”
    Die Art Basel ist die bedeutendste Kunstmesse in den USA. Ein kulturelles und soziales Highlight.
    „Art Basel Miami Beach is the most important art show in the United States, a cultural and social highlight for the Americas.”
    „Art Basel Miami Beach is the most important art show in the United States, a cultural and social highlight for the Americas.”
    "Art Basel em Miami Beach é a feira de arte mais importante dos Estados Unidos - um destaque cultural e social para as Américas.”
  • Bonnet House Museum and Gardens
    “We inspire in our diverse audiences an appreciation for creative expression, historic preservation and environmental conservation, while enhancing the educational, cultural and economic growth of the community.”
    “Wir wecken in unserem vielfältigen Publikum das Verständnis für kreativen Ausdruck, historische Verortung und umweltbewußte Erhaltung. Damit bereichern wir die Bildung, die Kultur und die ökonomischen Grundlagen der Gesellschaft.“
    “We inspire in our diverse audiences an appreciation for creative expression, historic preservation and environmental conservation, while enhancing the educational, cultural and economic growth of the community.”
    “We inspire in our diverse audiences an appreciation for creative expression, historic preservation and environmental conservation, while enhancing the educational, cultural and economic growth of the community.”
    "Nós inspiramos nossa variada audiência a apreciar a expressão criativa, a preservação histórica e a conservação meio-ambiental, ao mesmo tempo em que realçamos o crescimento educacional, cultural e econômico da comunidade.”
  • International Swimming Hall of Fame
    (954) 462-6536
    “The International Swimming Hall of Fame is a not-for-profit educational organization located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and promotes the benefits and importance of swimming as a key to fitness, good health, quality of life, and the water safety of children.”
    Die internationale “Swimming Hall of Fame” ist eine nicht-kommerzielle Bildungsorganisation in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Sie fördert die Bedeutung des Schwimmsports und dessen Wert als Schlüssel für Fitness, Gesundheit, Lebensqualität und Sicherheitsaspekt bei Kindern.
    “The International Swimming Hall of Fame is a not-for-profit educational organization located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and promotes the benefits and importance of swimming as a key to fitness, good health, quality of life, and the water safety of children.”
    “The International Swimming Hall of Fame is a not-for-profit educational organization located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida and promotes the benefits and importance of swimming as a key to fitness, good health, quality of life, and the water safety of children.”
    "O Hall da Fama Internacional de Natação é uma organização educacional sem fins lucrativos localizada em Fort Lauderdale na Flórida e promove os benefícios e a importância da natação como ponto chave para a boa condição física, boa saúde, qualidade de vida e a segurança das crianças na água."
  • International Game Association Fishing Hall of Fame & Museum
    Its mission is to collect, document, and preserve significant materials and artifacts relating to the past, present and future of sport fish and sport fishing.
    „Unsere Mission ist das Sammeln, Dokumentieren und Bewahren von bedeutsamem Material und Artefakten aus der Vergangenheit, der Gegenwart und der Zukunft des Sport-Fischens.“
    Its mission is to collect, document, and preserve significant materials and artifacts relating to the past, present and future of sport fish and sport fishing.
    Its mission is to collect, document, and preserve significant materials and artifacts relating to the past, present and future of sport fish and sport fishing.
    Sua missão é coletar, documentar e preservar materiais relevantes e artefatos relacionados ao passado, presente e futuro dos peixes e da pesca esportiva.
  • Fort Lauderdale Antique Car Museum
    “The museum is a reproduction of a Packard showroom from the 1920's. When you visit, you will see a piece of this great American automotive history.”
    “Das Museum ist ein originaler Nachbau einer Packard Verkaufsshow aus den 20er Jahren des vorigen Jahrhunderts. Ein Besuch garantiert einen authentischen Ausschnitt aus der bedeutsamen Geschichte der Amerikanischen Automobilindustrie.”
    “The museum is a reproduction of a Packard showroom from the 1920's. When you visit, you will see a piece of this great American automotive history.”
    “The museum is a reproduction of a Packard showroom from the 1920's. When you visit, you will see a piece of this great American automotive history.”
    "O museu é uma reprodução de um salão de exibições de Packard dos anos 20. Quando você o visitar, você verá uma parte desta grandiosa história automobilística dos Estados Unidos.”